Entertaining And Hilarious TV Commercial

A Screen Capture From The Video Below
A Screen Capture From The Very Entertaining Video Below

If you're like me —you pretty much despise TV commercials — especially now that most networks seem to run more of them than the program you're trying to watch.

But in this case I hope you'll hang in there and check out the video below — because it is truly FUNNY!

So — give it a spin — and as always if you don't like it your admission will be fully refunded at the door.

: )

Thanks as always for stopping by!

(If you're the last one out could you please catch the lights...thanks!)

40 Years Ago Today, Radio Shack Released The TRS-80 Computer

Radio Shack's TRS -80 Computer in 1977


Most of us use our electronic devices like computers, smart-phones, and tablets every day — and even some older folks have started to take all this wonderful technology for granted.

In fact, people born in the last 10 to 20 years may find it difficult to imagine a world without them.


Today on LiveLeak someone posted that it was 40 years ago today that Radio Shack (Tandy Corporation) released their TRS-80 computer — and they embedded a video of an early commercial first aired in 1978 - which I've attached below.

They seemed like little more than toys — and a lot of folks couldn't imagine what this new technology would mean for the future. 

I certainly couldn't!!

If you'd like to know more about this early computer please visit: 


Thanks for stopping by!

See you again soon!