Man—Drunk And High On Meth—Jumps Into Zoo’s Lion Exhibit


I just watched a very enthralling video of a man in Taipei. Taiwan, drunk and high on drugs, who jumped into a lion enclosure at a zoo there.

It contained a VERY large male lion, with a BIG female in the enclosure who weren't too thrilled with the man's presence.

Screen Capture From The Video Below
Screen Capture From The Video Below

Predictably, the big male cat begins several attacks on the man — inflicting some vicious bites with its razor sharp teeth — but even then — the crazed guy wouldn't listen to pleas for him to get out — and he tried to stand his ground against the big cats.

The video is under 5 minutes long — so I'll let you watch it to see what happens in the end.

Thanks for stopping by!

God Bless!

Oblivious Elk Stand Feet Away From Incredibly Well-Camouflaged Man

I'll tell a quick, related story first about a cool experience I had coming across deer while hiking in the mountains — but if you'd like to skip my AWESOME tale and go straight to the sooper-cool ELK video — its embedded below.  : )

A Screen Capture From The Video Below
A Screen Capture From The Video Below


Years ago I lived in the Rockies and used to hike, camp and jeep all through those mountains and LOVED encountering many wild creatures from birds to squirrels — and porcupines to marmots — but I especially loved seeing the much larger and beautiful deer and magnificent elk.

I moved away many years ago — but still MISS ALL that so MUCH!

Back at that time, I went along with a guy who was bow hunting for deer.  We four-wheeled up into the mountains and when he found a good place to stop — he suggested I wait at the jeep while he hiked down a ravine — and that I follow him down in 30 to 45 minutes — and he'd stop me when I got to his blind.

I agreed and waited, and then began heading down to him — but eventually I came to an old barbed wire fence on rickety ancient wooden poles running perpendicular to the trail— with a game trail running both directions along it.

I hadn't been stopped by the hunter so decided to continue heading downward along the trail — figuring he'd stop me at any moment.

After hiking about half the distance I had from the jeep to the fence — I decided he had missed seeing me — and having a lot of confidence then in my sense of direction (from all the time I'd spent hiking around in the mountains) — I made a diagonal cut back up-hill through the thick woods, heading back to where we parked.

It was rugged, rocky, and evergreen and aspen forested terrain — and soon I started coming across some steep open meadows with natural bush piles — probably created by heavy rain and snow pushing dead branches and trees together through the years.

The Natural Brush Piles Looked A Bit Like This
The Natural Brush Piles Looked A Bit Like This - Although There
Were WAY More Aspens Than Evergreens And Nothing Showed Evidence Of Being Cut
Or Being Placed There By Human Hands.

Many piles were more than 6 feet high — so I couldn't see over them — and as I'd climb over one — I see another 20 to 30 yards further ahead.

I scrambled over several piles, and just when I got over one I heard CRASH — CRASH — CRASH — and saw a beautiful White-Tailed Deer bounding up the mountain ahead of me — beginning not more than 25 feet away - and "crashing" through the dry brush and tree branches.

I stopped in my tracks — watching her gracefully race away — and then noticed a doe in the aspens — only about 15 yards away.

All I could see was her side because her face was hidden behind a tree — so I SLOWLY leaned forward to see her — and SHE was leaning forward to LOOK BACK AT ME!

My Beautiful Doe Looked Just Like THIS
The Beautiful Doe Looked Just Like THIS  : )
Once we made eye contact she to crashed off into the woods and cleared a brush pile — like ones I had been struggling to climb over — in a single leap.

At the moment she bounded away — I heard more crashing all around me — as several other beautiful does (all within yards of where I stood) joined her heading in all directions away from me — 10 to 15 at minimum — and perhaps as many as 20 in all!

It's a awe inspiring sight to see White-Tail "run" because they spring-hop — and I'd estimate they were all easily clearing 5 to 10 feet or more with each leap.

White Tail Deer
White Tail Deer - The Doe Looked Just Like This
Once I collected myself — AND had a bit more of a climb — I made it back to the jeep and sat there thinking about my GREAT experience — and waited for the "mighty hunter" to return.

When he arrived, I started to tell him the story about hitting the fence and then cutting back to the jeep and he interrupted and practically yelled — "I KNOW...I COULD HEAR YOU CRASHING AROUND!"

: )

I laughed and told him about my close encounter with the BEAUTIFUL herd — and that he had been hearing THEM!!


Anywho — enough about that — let's get to the AWESOME video!

: )

It's just as the title of this blog post says, Oblivious Elk Stand Feet Away From Incredibly Well-Camouflaged Man — and it's so cool I just had to share it with you.

At around 30 seconds in to it — you can hear a bull elk bugle with that unmistakable high, whistling sound.

Another elk gets with-in arms distance of the man — and even sniffs at his gear — before something (perhaps his sent) spooks her and she and the herd dart away.

At that — the guy in camo turns towards the camera and flashes a big grin.  : )

Hope you enjoy watching this as much as I did!

Thanks as always for stoppin' by!

And if you're the last one to leave could you turn off the lights as you go.


: )

Amazing Young Musician Is A One Woman Band!

Hello again!

I just saw an awesome video of a young woman, Kimiwo Mitsukete, who plays a keyboard with bass pedals (along with programmed drums).

Screen Captures From The Video:  Kimiwo Mitsukete
Screen Captures From The Video:  Kimiwo Mitsukete

She is the very definition of a ONE Woman Band!

Having played a little piano and experimented on several different organs with pedals — I can assure you she is legitimately playing the parts — (while acknowledging she plays/uses some arpeggiated/generated keyboard beds). 

It's truly amazing to see!

Anywho — if you'd like a real visual and auditory treat — give the video below a spin.

: )

Thanks as always for stopping by!

Have a wonderful and Blessed day!