Video: Is A College Degree Worth The Cost?

Have you been thinking about going to college? 

If you're fresh out of high school it's what many people expect you to do.  Right?

Or maybe you've been caught up in the lousy economy and think to yourself...if I only had a degree.

Well...before you do you rush off to get one you might wanna watch this interesting video posted by The Peter Schiff Show  on YouTube.

They found "graduates with degrees in mathematics, robotics, neuroscience, engineering, accounting, business administration, economics, biology, communications, graphic design, marketing, and linguistics" working as door-men, bouncers, bartenders, bike-taxi drivers etc.

And worst of all, many of them are under thousands of dollars in crushing debt for student loans.

Still taken from the video - Captions added

I certainly wouldn't tell anyone not to get a degree...but rather to research and carefully select an area of that you know has plenty of good employment opportunities!

AND to avoid student loans!

Yes...not taking student loans may mean you'll have to work your way through may not be able to attend that $25,000.00 a semester school...and it may take you longer to earn a degree...but in the end you won't be saddled with a fortune in debt.

Also be very cautious about those trade schools running ads on TV all day and all night:  "Become a hairstylist... a dental assistant...a graphic artist...a forensic specialist...etc."  I've personally known people who were left with nothing but bills and a worthless diploma after going to one. 

Make sure you ask about job placement too.  Ask how many from each class are employed in that field after graduating...and if they offer placement assistance.  If they get squirley when answering these questions...RUN, FORREST, RUN!!!!!

Read the description below the video on YouTube for more information:

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Image:  Screen Capture From The Video


  1. Hi Jephyr,
    How lovely to see you taking the time to give such good advice to try to prevent someone from what may be a bad commitment.

  2. Hi Brenda,

    Thank you so much! When I was young I didn't know anyone willing to give I had to feel my way a long and learn many things through trial and error and made many, many mistakes.

    I always thought it was sad that people who had earned wisdom weren't around to pass along their advice and now I tend to be very liberal with my opinions...always knowing that people must forge their own paths and must be free to make their mistakes too...but perhaps avoid some by knowing what I've learned along the way.

    Thanks again! :)
