Cool Video: A Man and Grizzly Bears


Today's video features a 20 minute documentary that reveals the fascinating story about Wildlife researcher and filmmaker Casey Anderson, and his close relationship with two grizzly bears he named Brutus and Bella.

It's awesome to see Casey playfully and affectionately interacting with these beautiful creatures—and those scenes are inter-cut with beautiful views of the mountainous areas of Yellowstone Park, where the bears live.

Screen Capture From Video:  A Look At Brutus


You can lean more about the bears and efforts to protect the endangered animal by visiting


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Video: Dog-Walker Startled By MASSIVE Moose


Perhaps you already know that a fully grown moose can be massively large—and they can also be very dangerous, and even deadly, to people who cross their paths.

An article on moose attacks states that they can be 5 to 6.5 feet tall (1.5 to 2.0 meters) from ground to shoulder, heavier than a bear (male moose, called bulls, weigh up to 1,500 pounds [680 kilograms]), and can outrun humans.

They look somewhat comical—so part of their danger comes from folks underestimating them—especially when they are protecting their young.

Screen Capture From The Video

Fortunately, no one was harmed in the video of a moose encounter included below—and although the people filming it found the dog-walkers reaction amusing—the older woman was probably wise to quickly turn back away from the giant moose who was having a rest in the shade of a yard in Columbine Lake, Colorado.

Please see LiveLeak advisory below.

This video is embedded from LiveLeak—a video hosting site similar to YouTube.

If you follow LiveLeak links, please be aware that videos there include graphic content such as car accidents, violence, nudity and sexuality, suicides, and so-on.

Also, while at this point it appears that video comments can only be viewed by those who have logged in to the site—it is sadly necessary to also warn that comments there often include insults, profane language, and vile racist/hate-speech.

I do not condone abuse of any kind—and completely condemn all hate-speech,  racism, and racist language.


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AWESOME Video - HUGE Guitar Shredding Collaboration


If you love guitar then today's video is for you.

It's titled, "the biggest shred collab song in the world II (but everyone only gets 2 seconds)"—and for sure it is BIG (although players get a bit more than 2 seconds).

The music and playing leans towards progressive metal—and to my ear it brings to mind Joe Satriani's early albums—but peeps familiar with this style may quibble about that, or be able to name more current examples.

Anyway, it's a lot of fun to hear all the talented players shred for a few seconds—and there are a lot tasty runs, "sweeping" arpeggios, two-hand tapping—and even some occasional comedic relief thrown in.

 Hope you enjoy this too.

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Newly Restored 1953 Footage Of Nuclear Bomb Tests Reveals Their Terrifying Power


Perhaps you are old enough to remember when schools across America practiced "Bomb Drills" by having students hide under their desks on their knees at an announced time.

Others may remember "Fall-Out Shelters" where people were told to gather in the event of a nuclear bomb—which were buildings marked with a specific symbol (*see example below)—meaning they that might offer protection from radiation.

Likely everyone has seen footage of the incredible destruction of Nagasaki and Hiroshima, Japan, after a single nuclear bomb was dropped on each during World War II.


Screen Capture Sequence From The Video Below Shows A School Bus Being Easily Flung By The Force Of The Bomb

Today's video presents newly-restored footage of 1953 nuclear tests in Nevada revealing the terrifying destructive power of an atomic bomb.

The video, perhaps appropriately, is without sound—but is still awe inspiring and fascinating to view.

The video's description on YouTube adds this technical information:

Nuclear Weapon Effects

High Resolution, complete scans of Atomic Bomb FCDA Footage from shot Grable (1953).  

Grable was an atomic artillery shell, shot out of a cannon and detonated on Frenchman Flat at the Nevada Test Site. 

No sound. Filmed at 64 frames per second (normal speed is 24 fps). Yield was 15 KT. Distance to Ground Zero: 2,938 feet. Camera elevations ranged from 11 ft 3 inches above ground to 18 ft 9 inches high.


* Fall Out Shelter Symbol

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Heart-Warming Video: Grandfather Dancing With Young Granddaughters

Screen Captures From The Video Below

Today's video will warm yer heart—and shows an old grandfather dancing with his two young granddaughters.

The music is pretty cool too—the Tibetan song Phur (meaning "Fly"), by Anu Ranglug—and the lyrics are embedded in the video.


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