Video: Student Forgotten in DEA Holding Cell Gets $4.1 Million Dollars - Daniel Chong Update - 7/30/13


Imagine being arrested and then forgotten in a windowless holding cell without lights, a toilet, and food or water for nearly five days.

UCSD student Daniel Chong doesn't have to use his actually happened to him.

Arrested with other students by the DEA in 2012, he was told:

"Hang tight. We'll come get you in a minute."

But that's when his nightmare began.

The agents forgot about him and didn't "re-discover" him for nearly five days.

Forced to drink his own urine to stay alive...after his cell lights went out...he began to "lose his mind" and hallucinate.

He'd been so forgotten in the end, when he was discovered the agents had no idea who he was. 

He was incoherent, suffering from kidney failure, had a perforated lung from eating glass, was dehydrated, and literally on the brink of death.

In order to avoid a lawsuit Federal Agents settled with him for 4.1 million dollars and issued a formal apology.

Before you wish you could get "forgotten" too and receive that same kind of payday...Chong needed to be hospitalized for five days and is still being treated for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

Here is a CNN video report about it:


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