Two Tales About Bungling Criminals

"Baddy" - Copyright 2019 - Jephyr - All Rights Reserved


A few nights ago I clicked on the TV—which is getting more and more rare for me these days.

It was set to Quest TV—which was running a show called Most Daring at that time—and it featured several security videos of people fighting back against violent criminals.

Because of the situations unfortunate victims found themselves in—the videos were both enthralling and horrifying to watch—but I also found myself having a hearty laugh at the complete stupidity of the bungling crooks in two of them.


In the first one, a petite woman was getting her day starting at a Loan Office, when a very tall man entered through the door and immediately jumped over the counter, and violently grabbed hold of her.

She began valiantly fighting back—but the large man was easily over-powering her—and she wound up on the ground with the crook on top of her.

He forced her to open the safe near where she was—and give him all the money that was in it.

Then the security footage shows him trying to put duct-tape around her head and mouth—while she bravely fights back.

Thankfully, within moments—something scares him off and he runs away leaving her shaken but otherwise unharmed.

The best part is that she recognized the dope because he'd been in that same office a few days before applying for a loan with with her.

The dumb crook had even conveniently used his real name and address on the application he filled out.

So she was able to immediately look up all the information he provided—and gave it to the police—who in turn were waiting for him at his home before he could even get there.


: )


The second story on the program showed a clerk working behind a counter at a video store—when a "customer" walked in who wanted to enter an "adult" section.

The worker was required to verify the man's age using his driver's license—and after he does—the guy heads off-camera into that section.

After a while, the security footage shows the guy leaving—but a short time later he returns claiming he forgot something.

The clerk allows him to go back into that area—but seconds later the supposed "customer" sneaks up behind the worker—and begins choking him with a phone cord—attempting to over-power him and rob the place.

A life and death struggle ensues—all with the cord around his neck getting tighter and tighter—and the worker says that he felt himself nearly blacking out from a lack of oxygen as he and the man violently thrash around.

Fortunately—the clerk manages to grab a stun-baton kept behind the counter for his protection and begins using it on the thug.

As the creep gets one massive massive jolt of electricity after another—he starts screaming and begins trying to flee.

As he tries to climb over the counter—the now determined worker keeps giving him some lovely jolts from the baton to his backside—and the former tough guy becomes weaker and weaker from its obviously powerful effects.

The clerk continues to zap the guy while he pleads with him to stop and as he crawls his way to the business entrance—until he is literally in a heap in the doorway—and is completely incapacitated and unable to move.

At that point, the worker rushes off to get a phone to call 911 leaving the vanquished crook on the ground.

Unfortunately, while the clerk is on the phone with police—the robber recovers a little—and another security camera captures him weakly getting up and limping away.

It was satisfying to see a baddy get some of the medicine he was trying to dish out—but then the program reveals that the alert worker remembered "stun-boy's" name from his driver's license—and the police were able to locate and arrest him a few days later! 

: )


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Amazing Video: Foolish Drunk Man's Miraculous Rescue From Lion Enclosure

The Internet is filled with videos of people in all kinds of precarious situations—and far too often those involved have placed themselves there.


Video from May of 2016, shows an inebriated man who jumped into a Lion enclosure at an animal park in India.

The hand-held camera work is amateurish—and starts out pointed at the ground—so I have embedded it to start 5 seconds in—after it finally reveals the drunk man waste deep in water just feet from a lioness.

As people in the crowd react in fear and scream and shout—the man foolishly wades even closer to the lioness.

Fortunately, she moves away—but just then a large male approaches—getting within feet of the drunken man.

Screen Capture From The Video Below

The best part is that ultimately the man is rescued unharmed with the big cats still looking on—but still—the short (3 minute) video is spell-binding to watch.

Hope you enjoy this too!

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Guitarist's Hair Catches Fire On Stage


Have you seen this amazing video yet?

It shows the Kiss cover band, Hairball, playing a show complete with pyrotechnics.

The guitar player/singer, Bobby Jensen is doing a pretty decent job of imitating Paul Stanley performing Detroit Rock City at a concert in Iowa—when a timed, on-stage fire-work goes off.

You can hear the crowd react to it—but then it becomes quite obvious that the guitar player's hair HAS CAUGHT ON FIRE from a spark thrown by the fireball!

Screen Capture From Video Showing Jensen's Hair On Fire

A band mate comes over and brushes at the flames but quickly gives up and walks away—and signals to stage hands instead—leaving the back of the musician's head/hair engulfed in fire.

Finally, two men rush to Jensen and begin batting the flames out with their bare hands—all to cheers from the audience.

The best part is that Jensen never misses a beat—while his hair burns and stage hands work around him, hitting the back of his head and combing through his hair to make sure it is out.

Jensen said later he knew his hair was on fire but had "complete confidence" that his team would put it out.

: )

If you'd like to read more, check out this DailyMail article about it.

Otherwise enjoy the video!

: )

Video embedded from LiveLeak — Please See Advisory below  * 

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* LiveLeak Advisory:

LiveLeak is a video hosting site similar to YouTube.  

If you follow any links there, however, please be advised that it is not as moderated—so there are videos of car wrecks, violence, and other graphic content.  

In addition—comments under the videos often include rough and course language—and sadly, far too often vile racist and other sickening hate speech.

I do not condone, approve of, or endorse—and strongly disavow—ANY racist or hateful language, comments, and ideologies.

Dramatic Video: Rescue Of Little Girl Who Fell In Panda Cage


Dramatic video from China shows a little girl being rescued from a panda enclosure after falling in it recently.

Shot at the Chengdu Giant Panda Breeding Research Center—it reveals the heroic efforts of several men to save her

At first one of them extends a pole to the little girl—but she is not strong enough to hang on to it.

Meanwhile—as the rescue attempt unfolds above—three large pandas draw close to her—while people in the crowd scream and gasp in horror.

After a brief struggle with it—the man with the pole abandons trying to use it—and reaches down and grabs the child by her hand/arm and lifts her to safety.

Screen Capture From The Video Below


Pandas are members of the bear family and If you are wondering if such a cute looking animal is dangerous—while rare—there are a number of reports of people being mauled by them at Chinese zoos.

One took place in Beijing in 2009:

Visitor Mauled By Panda At Beijing Zoo -

Earlier, in 2006, a drunk man made the mistake of thinking they weren't dangerous and crawled into an Panda enclosure for a "hug" and was bitten on both legs requiring stitches:

Panda At Beijing Zoo Attacked Man When He Jumped Into Enclosure - China Post


So this little girl definitely had some angels looking out for her—and some awesome human heroes to thank as well!

Video embedded from LiveLeak — Please See Advisory below

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LiveLeak Advisory:

LiveLeak is a video hosting site similar to YouTube.  

If you follow any links there, however, please be advised that it is not as moderated—so there are videos of car wrecks, violence, and other graphic content.  

In addition—comments under the videos often include rough and course language—and sadly, far too often vile racist and other sickening hate speech.

I do not condone, approve of, or endorse—and strongly disavow—ALL racist or hateful language, comments, and ideologies.

Awesome Video: How Deep Have Humans Dug Into The Earth?

I found today's video extremely fascinating.

Compiled by RealLifeLore—the video notes statistics about the depths that man has managed to map or explore (or dig or drill down to)—the deepest wells, tunnels and mines, ocean floors, and so on—and then reveals how minuscule that actually is when compared with the size of our planet.

The video is well narrated and incorporates animations, images, graphs and text.

Screen Capture From The Video: The Bingham Mine In Utah Is Deeper Than The Tallest Building In The World

If you are interested in our world and its extremes—I'm betting that you will enjoy this video.

If not let an usher know and your entrance fee will cheerfully be refunded.

: )

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Video: Earth Is A Much Different Place Than It Looks On A Map


If you're like me—you've grown up looking at maps of the world and might not have really put a lot of thought into what's being represented.

Today's video, however, reveals that The World Is A Much Different Place Than It Looks On A Map.

Uploaded by YouTube channel RealLifeLore—the video begins with a short explanation of the Mercator Projection Map's flat representation of what is on a spherical globe.

After that, things gets interesting when actual size comparisons are made between various locations and regions around the world using graphics.

For example, the state of Texas in the USA is actually MUCH larger than Portugal and Spain combined—and is larger than all of France.

Screen Capture From The Video Showing Australia Nearly Covering The US

The well produced video reveals that Australia could cover most of the continental USA—and that the entire area of the United Kingdom is actually a very small land mass and compares and contrasts it with the Island of Japan and elsewhere. 

I found this video fascinating and hope you will as well.


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